Table of Contents
Basic Training for HR Admins
Updated by The Cooleaf Success Team
Welcome to the Cooleaf HR Admin Training!
We are committed to providing you with the answers to our frequently asked questions. Our mission is to connect you with resources and demonstrate how you can utilize Cooleaf to make an impact!
There are 4 Parts to this Training: Each section has a short video to help you better learn, navigate, and succeed as a Admin in the Cooleaf platform. Use the Table of Contents to quickly navigate through this training document.
Part One: Welcome
Watch the following videos below and reflect on the statements that follow, below the videos.
Intro 👋
Recognition 💞
Awards 🏆
- What is one way you hope to utilize Cooleaf to make an impact?
- Navigate back to your platform and recognize a team member for something special right now.
- Review the Cooleaf Awards page and reflect on one of the Core Values! Think about when you will award a Core Value to someone else.
For Additional Training, Visit these Support Articles!
Part Two: Engagement
Watch the following videos below and reflect on the statements that follow, below the videos.
Activities 🌆
Events 📲
Challenges Set-Up 🌟
Surveys 🗣
- Where do you go to access live surveys?
- What types of events will you create in the HR panel?
- Add a challenge to your account from the programming template library and personalize it to culture.
- Create a survey for your team, will it be recurring?
For Additional Training, Visit these Support Articles!
Part Three: People and Rewards
Watch the following videos below and reflect on the statements that follow, below the videos.
Rewards 🎁
People & Teams Community 🤝
Profile page, Rewards history, Notifications, & the Support Center. 🙋♀️
- What is your favorite gift in the rewards catalog? What reward are you saving up for?
- Visit the Team Page. What is one thing you learned about a team member for reviewing their profile?
- Update your Profile image and description to set a good example for your team!
For Additional Training, Visit these Support Articles!
Part Four: Data
Watch the following videos below and reflect on the statements that follow, below the videos.
Manager Panel - Dashboard Tab 📉
Manager Panel - Rewards Budget Tab 💰
- What is your organization/team's adoption rate for the last 30 days?
- What is the last activity date for your team members? Does someone have No Activity? Reach out to them and encourage them to be engaged in the Cooleaf platform!
- What is your total remaining budget?
For Additional Training, Visit these Support Articles!
Continue your education by exploring all of our support articles at