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Your Guide to Step Challenges
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Uploading Images to a Challenge
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Intro to Rewards
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Sending a Gift with Cooleaf Points
Virtual & Physical Visa Gift Cards - My Digital Wallet
Making a Difference: Donating with Cooleaf - Your Guide to Giving Back
Virtual Visa® Reward
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Getting Started for Admins
Manager Panel
Get Started with Manager Panel
Manager Panel | Activities | Manage Challenges for Admins
Manager Panel | Scheduling Tool
Manager Panel | Rewards Budget
Get Started with Pulse Surveys
How to Utilize the NPS Survey Template in Cooleaf
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Cooleaf Slack App Integration Set Up (Admin)
Redesigned Awards Panel (Awards Panel v3) and New Features
HR Panel
Platform User Roles & Permission Levels
Admin Dashboard - Reports (Admin)
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Cooleaf Gifting Guide (Admin)
Setting Up a Gifting Pool (Admin)
Manager Training for Local Admins
Basic Training for HR Admins
Culture Champion Awards
Engaging Users through Main Feed Challenges
Cooleaf Monthly Snapshot
FAQs & Troubleshooting
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- Intro to Challenges
Intro to Challenges
What are challenges?
Challenges are employee engagement initiatives that reward positive behaviors such as leading a healthy lifestyle, enhancing innovation, attending industry events, and more. Participating in challenges allows you to earn reward points that can be redeemed for merchandise and eGift Cards, including Amazon, AMC Theaters, and Target.
What types of challenges can I join?
There are two types of challenges: step challenges and business challenges.
Step challenges encourage healthy physical behavior. In a step challenge, participants aim to meet a step count goal throughout the duration of the challenge.
Business challenges help an organization track success by rewarding employee behavior such as sharing company content, meeting a sales goal, or participating in networking events.
How long do challenges last?
The time length of a challenge is set by the challenge coordinator. Challenges can last a day, a week, or a month.
You can always see how long a challenge will run by going to the challenge itself and checking out the calendar on the left-hand side:

I have an idea for a challenge! Who can I talk to?
Awesome! We’d love to hear about it. The first step for getting a challenge approved is to contact your organization administrator. Many organizations run challenges based on an existing program plan.
Our content team is happy to help you and your organization’s administrator create a challenge that will be fun for your whole team! Contact us at for more help.