Manage Cooleaf (Admin Only)

Getting Started for Admins

Get started as an Admin. Here you will find Trainings and Tips for Success!

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2 articles by 1 author

Manager Panel

The Manager Panel is used by Local Admins and HR Admins to see high-level data metrics and manage the platform. Articles found here will show you how to navigate and manage different areas of the platform from this panel.

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8 articles by 3 authors

HR Panel

The HR Panel is for HR Admins to manage the platform. Articles found here will show you how to manage different areas of the platform from the back end.

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8 articles by 2 authors

Manager Training for Local Admins

Welcome to the Cooleaf Local Admin Training for Managers! We are committed to providing you with the answers to our frequently asked questions. Our mission is to connect you with resources and demons…

The Cooleaf Success Team
Updated by The Cooleaf Success Team

Basic Training for HR Admins

Welcome to the Cooleaf HR Admin Training! We are committed to providing you with the answers to our frequently asked questions. Our mission is to connect you with resources and demonstrate how you ca…

The Cooleaf Success Team
Updated by The Cooleaf Success Team

Culture Champion Awards

The Culture Champion awards are engagement awards that are designed to help highlight your organization's culture champions. These automated awards will recognize your employees for their contributio…

Sydney Davis
Updated by Sydney Davis

Engaging Users through Main Feed Challenges

Main Feed Challenges is a way to engage with your users by prompting them to comment on a post! Its a simple, easy, and fun way to keep your users engaged with the Cooleaf platform!

The Cooleaf Success Team
Updated by The Cooleaf Success Team

Cooleaf Monthly Snapshot

The Cooleaf Monthly Snapshot is a monthly email that gets sent to Admins about their organization's usage of the Cooleaf platform. This support article will help you understand the overall snapshot and each field.

The Cooleaf Success Team
Updated by The Cooleaf Success Team


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