FAQs & Troubleshooting

Troubles Logging In?

Are you having a difficult experience logging in? If you are having a difficult experience logging in or need to change your password, look here for more info.

The Cooleaf Success Team
Updated by The Cooleaf Success Team

Contact Cooleaf Support

To contact Cooleaf's Customer Support Team, please email us directly at support@cooleaf.com When contacting support be sure to provide them with details and the most accurate information about your e…

The Cooleaf Success Team
Updated by The Cooleaf Success Team


G2 What is G2?. G2 is a platform used by companies to collect honest, authentic reviews and feedback about software companies. To help other companies make an informed decision on what platforms to i…

Chinyera Page
Updated by Chinyera Page

Reporting and Addressing Content Concerns

If you come across any content that violates our community guidelines, any instances of abuse, inappropriate content, insufficient responses in Events and Challenges, or encounter any issues within the community, you can anonymously report them to your platform administrators using the designated reporting mechanisms tool below or to support@cooleaf.com

The Cooleaf Success Team
Updated by The Cooleaf Success Team

Cooleaf Status Page

About This Site. This is the Cooleaf status page, where you can get updates on how our systems are doing. If there are interruptions to service, we will post a note here. As always, if you are experi…

The Cooleaf Success Team
Updated by The Cooleaf Success Team


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